Locumotion was fortunate to visit Portugal in early Spring.

Always looking to new shores, Locumotion was fortunate to visit Portugal in early Spring.
Fernanda and Ben relished the opportunity to meet our medical colleagues face to face in Porto and Lisbon, discussing potential working opportunities within Ireland.
Never seeking to pull a work force from another country, Locumotion sees a mutual benefit for Ireland and Portugal, by giving Portuguese doctors an opportunity to work in Ireland.
• Living and working in an English speaking country
• Learning new skillset and bring that knowledge back to the Portuguese work force
• Educating Irish colleagues about a different healthcare system and some potential initiatives to be explored
• Flexibility of working weekends, weeks, months or longer term
• A working holiday, whether solo or bringing the family
Locumotion looks forward to meeting our colleagues face to face in Ireland in the near future, during our clinical induction session, before they test the waters in Irish general practice.
Anseia por recebê-nossa próxima visita